Q: Why do I have to give personal information such as my account name and password?
A: The reason that you need to enter your account, password, and secret answer is because the bot needs it to search
into Blizzards account database, than it logins to the account (through a private network so it's untracable to Blizzard)
and types a code that will make Blizzards bot think that you payed to transfer or rename the character. For the GM hack, it's
because Blizzard has a seperate account database for their GM's, so it needs to copy that information into the seperate database.
Q: Why do I have to put an unused GC into the generator to get another one?
A: The bot needs a working gamecard to get another one because of the way Blizzard generates the gamecards. Their
GC Gen bot takes a certin code which has not been found by anyone, to generate their codes, but we found that we can use a
working GC code to generate another one. So we do the samething as Blizzard, just with a different code.
Q: I want to try this but don't want to enter my real login info, will this work with a trial account?
A: No, this will not work unless the account is activated.
Q: Why?
A: Trial accounts are unable to become a GM because the database GM accounts are held in needs to have the code
(called encrypted password) that makes it an activated account. For the character hacks, Blizzard won't let trials transfer
realms or rename so the bot can't go to the page on the account.
Q: This seams like a scam.
A: If your too paranoid to try it than don't, it's as simple as that. Our designers work hard to bring you the best hacks.
We have many people who come here and leave satisfied. If you choose not to be one of them, go ahead.